Sunday, 9 February 2014

Protect Your Union Rights

Dear Members

The government Obsessive hate is showing in its constant attacts on unions and your rights. We are seeing increased instances of Trade union reps being victimised, facility time has been cut, and now yet another attempt to financially cripple the union, despite the legal victory PCS Gained last year against Pickles.

Clearly the Government love of all things Victorian also includes no employment rights and grinding poverty given the latest reports, even the UN has criticised the government for its abuse of human rights over the bedroom tax.

Protect your right to pay your subs your way

PCS is asking members who pay their subs through their salary to email Nick Clegg MP, Deputy Prime Minister today (

The government is launching another attack on our ability to represent member's interests by plotting to end the decades-old practice of collecting your monthly union subs directly from your salary.

This long-established system for payment, known as 'check-off', was introduced as a helpful and inexpensive way for the employer, trade union members and trade unions to work together effectively.

The Cabinet Office has written to each government department, stating that 'check-off' is "not desirable" and asking each department to review it, even though it has no right to instruct in this matter.

Action: Email Nick Clegg now ( and protect your right to pay your subs your way.


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