Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Information for PCS members Make the Switch Guidence & Q&A

Make the Switch today

PCS is changing the way we collect our members’ union subscriptions. Over the course of the next few months we will be asking all members to pay their union subs directly to PCS by direct debit.

Most of our members currently pay their subs through check off, where the money is deducted monthly from pay packets by your employer and your employer then sends the money to PCS. This has been the system that has been in operation for years. The government is now asking all departments to “review” check off arrangements which it regards as “undesirable”.

Whatever the government’s intentions, it is clear that we can no longer be reliant on an increasingly hostile employer. That is why we have made the decision as a union to switch all our members from check off to direct debit. In some areas we will need to do this at a faster rate than in others, but we expect that over the next 6-12 months we will have moved most members over to direct debit.

This guidance, in the form of questions and answers, is intended as information for PCS members. It seeks to deal with all the key aspects of changing over from check-off to direct debit. This Q&A will be updated regularly on the basis of questions from members and the updated version will be available at pcs.org.uk/ddday

PCS members should also speak to their local union representatives to get further information about what’s happening with check off and direct debit where you work.
If you are reading this and you are not yet a PCS member we want you to join the union. You can do so by logging on to pcs.org.uk/join or calling 0800 317 464.

Q&A for Members

General Information

What is the difference between ‘check off’ and direct debit?
The majority of PCS members currently pay their union subs monthly (or in some cases weekly) by the check off method. This involves the member signing an authority which is supplied to their employer who then deducts union subscriptions (subs) direct from your pay. Employers then, after deducting a fee, pay the money to PCS.

A direct debit is a personal banking mandate between a member and PCS to deduct union subs direct from your bank account. Your employer will no longer be involved in the transaction, nor will your employer be aware whether you are a union member or not.

Why is PCS moving away from check off?

For some time now the government has been threatening PCS with the unilateral removal of check off. One department, the department of communities and local government (DCLG) did threaten to withdraw check off in summer 2013. On that occasion PCS successfully defended DCLG members’ rights to pay by check off in the High Court on the basis that PCS members in DCLG had a contractual right to pay their union subs by check off. Whilst this was an important victory for the union we cannot rely on the same contractual right in all departments.

Since then, the Cabinet Office has instructed all departments to review the arrangements for check off, saying that they regard check off arrangements as “undesirable”. Irrespective of the government’s or of individual department’s intentions, your National Executive Committee (NEC) has decided that the time has come to be fully independent from a government and departments which are determined to be increasingly hostile and deliberately find ways in which it can try to undermine PCS.

By switching from check off to direct debit members can all play their part in maintaining the independence, security and future of our union.

What are the benefits to members of paying by direct debit?

Direct debit essentially cuts out the middle man. Members will pay their subs directly to PCS, avoiding any delays that may occur with the employer. Paying by direct debit is a quick efficient process, backed by guarantees which all banks and building societies honour.

A direct debit is an agreement between an individual member and PCS, which allows the union to take money out of their account at regular intervals and to repay subs to members if these have been incorrectly deducted. PCS will set this up and can alter the amount paid to reflect any subscription changes; given that PCS members pay subs that are linked to their pay, it is important that we are able to have the flexibility to make sure members are paying the right subs. PCS will give members a minimum of two weeks’ notice before making any changes to the amount deducted from their accounts.

How do I switch from check off to direct debit?

You can arrange a switch at any time by phone on 0800 317 464, by email to membership@pcs.org.uk giving a contact number and a time when we can call you back, online at pcs.org.uk/ddday or by completing the switch form and returning it to PCS by the freepost address at Membership, PCS, FREEPOST BFH1003, 160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2BR.

We will need your bank details, and we will also need to know your pay grade. This will vary from employer to employer. We will also need a personal email and/or a mobile number in order to communicate with you. Most civil service employers do not allow members to use work emails for financial purposes.

How do I know I will not end up paying my union subs twice in one month?

PCS is currently asking all members who pay by check off to complete a mandate which we will hold on file in advance of the employer stopping paying their union subs through their monthly salary. PCS will not activate the mandate until the employer stops check off in any agency or department, or if it is withdrawn from the civil service in its entirety, or if PCS decide to end check off arrangements.
If, however, you want to switch early, ahead of the employer pulling the plug, the onus on ensuring you do not pay twice moves away from PCS to the member. In this situation a member’s mandate will be set up for the next available union subs run, noting that PCS make deductions from bank accounts on the 1st of each month. The member, after setting up the mandate with PCS in these instances, will be required to promptly cancel their check off arrangements with their payroll departments. PCS cannot do this on members’ behalves.

Once I have given PCS my direct debit information when will I start paying by direct debit?
New members, or those who are rejoining PCS, will begin paying their union subs by direct debit on the next available date after receiving your completed form, phone callor online mandate. PCS deducts your union subs from your bank account on the 1st day of the month.

For members currently paying by check off, PCS will keep you on check off for as long as possible. We will securely store your mandate until such time as check off is removed by your employer. Members will have their first mandate deducted from their accounts the month following the end of check off. For example, if your employer ends check off in June 2014, making your last payment by check off 30 June, your first direct debit payment will be made on 1 August 2014.

Do I need to tell my employer that I am switching from check-off to direct debit?

No. Individual members don’t need to say anything to their employers or their pay roll centres. PCS will either make arrangements to end check off with your employer, or your employer will withdraw the check off facility.

However, should individual members wish to switch to direct debit immediately, before the removal of check off, then they will need to make arrangements to stop their union subs by check off as PCS will not be able to do it for them.

Can I pay by cash payment?

Unfortunately PCS will not be making arrangements to collect subs by cash or cheque at this stage.

Switch Process Queries

What is the deadline for switching?

At present we are collecting direct debit mandates which we will act on either when the employer gives us notice of their intention to end check off or when we, PCS, tell the employer that check off arrangements are ending and we will switch all members in that department from check off to direct debit. We expect this to be within 6 months. As a member you do not need to do anything once you have given us your direct debit details. We will ensure that you will only switch to paying by direct debit once check-off has ended and therefore make sure that you do not pay your union subs twice.

When will PCS begin collecting subs by direct debit?

If you are a new member or are rejoining the union we will begin collecting subs as soon as practically possible after receiving your application to join/rejoin the union. Deductions will take place on the 1st of each month.
If you are a current member and paying your subs by check off, then we will not enact the direct debit mandate until after your last check off payment.

How can I set up a direct debit with PCS?

Switching to direct debit is easy. You can do it online, by phone or by completing the appropriate switch form.

The most efficient method from mid-February will be online at pcs.org.uk/ddday. You will need your membership number to use this method which is printed on you union card or available by calling our membership department on 0800 317 464. You can also use the Live Chat service to talk to a member of the membership team online to assist you.

Alternatively you can call our membership team directly on Mondays to Fridays from 7am and 7pm. It will be helpful if you have your membership or National Insurance number so that our membership team can trace you easily on our database, and you will need your bank details to hand.

Finally you may complete one of the switch forms available online at pcs.org.uk/ddday or from your union rep at work. Please ensure you complete the form fully and either return it to your local representative or return it directly to us by Freepost to Membership, PCS, Freepost BFH1003, 160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2BR. You do not need to use a stamp, however you may wish to consider posting your return by recorded delivery to ensure your information arrives safely.

Who do I contact if there are any issues with my direct debit?

Any issues with your direct debit can be taken up with our membership department who will be only too happy to assist you with your queries.
You can call PCS membership for free on 0800 317 464 between 7am and 7pm Mon to Friday.

Can I give you my details online?

Yes, at pcs.org.uk/ddday. You will need your membership number to use this method which is printed on you union card, available by calling our membership department on 0800 317 464 or via the Live Chat system online.

How do I stop deductions from salary if I choose direct debit?

We expect most employers to end the check off facility within the coming months. We will only deduct payments for your union subs by direct debit once your employer has ended check off or at a point when we decide to end the check off arrangement with your employer.

If a member decides to switch to direct debit from check off early (i.e. before your employer stops the check off process or before PCS ends the check-off agreement with an employer) it will be the members’ individual responsibility to contact their pay roll department and ensure that deductions are stopped.

If members want to switch over immediately to direct debit you need to tell your employer that you are ending check off and we will take your subs by direct debit the following month.

Why can PCS continue to take my subscription direct from my salary?

It would be unlawful for an employer to respond to individual requests from PCS to make any alteration to members’ salaries. Members must retain responsibility for instructing their payroll departments.

Why hasn’t a subscription been taken if I have already supplied my bank details?

PCS will only take your union subscriptions by direct debit once your employer has withdrawn the check off facility or at a point when PCS switches over all members in your department from check off to direct debit. This is also to avoid members paying twice.

Do I have to tell my employer that I am changing to Direct Debit?

No. Unless you want to change to direct debit immediately, before your employer ends check-off, members do not need to inform their employers that they are changing to direct debit. Otherwise we will make arrangements to deduct your subs by direct debit once the check off arrangements come to an end.

I already pay my subs by Direct Debit. Do I need to do anything?

Thousands of our members already pay their union subs by direct debit anyway. If you already pay your subs by direct debit you will need to verify that we hold your correct grade and contact details on file for you. Please call our membership team in order to make sure they are all up to date by calling 0800 317 464.
Costs and Subs Queries

Will my subs go up?

PCS subscription rates are currently calculated on the basis of 0.6% of your basic pay, capped at a maximum of £13.31 a month. To make the switch to direct debit we have introduced a banding system to protect the 0.6% and to deliver an efficient direct debit system.
The bands are split in £2,000 band widths, and the Finance Committee have selected a rate close to the midpoint. Some members may see that their monthly subs payment may vary slightly.
The union subs bands are as follows:

Direct Debit
Subscription rate

£24,001 - £26,000
£22,001 - £24,000
£20,001 - £22,000
£18,001 - £20,000
£16,001 - £18,000
£14,001 - £16,000
£12,001 - £14,000
£10,001 - £12,000
£8,001 - £10,000
£6,001 - £8,000
£4,001 - £6,000
£2,001 - £4,000
Less than £2,000

Are the subs bands linked to pro rata full time pay?

No. The subs bands are designed for members’ actual gross pay - what you are actually paid. This means that members who are part time will need to be aware of their actual part-time salary rather than their full time equivalent salary in order to pay the correct rate.

How will you calculate how much I should pay by direct debit?

For current members paying by check off we will look at your current subscription rate and match you to the nearest appropriate band. New members and members rejoining the union will be asked to tick a subs rate box which is appropriate to their salary.

Will it cost any money to set up a direct debit?

No. There are no charges at present for operating direct debits through UK bank accounts.

Is there any chance that I will be charged twice?

If members are currently paying by check off and supply a direct debit mandate which PCS can enact when their employer stops check off then no, they will not be charged twice. In the unlikely event that you do end up paying twice then PCS will immediately reimburse your subs. An advantage of paying by direct debit, is that we can immediately reimburse the money to your bank account.

If a member decides to switch early before check off is ended with your employer, then you may get charged twice if you miss your employer’s deadline for changes to their payroll runs. Remember, in this situation members are responsible for notifying their employer that the check off payment must stop.

Will you increase subs without my knowledge?

PCS are required to give you a minimum of two weeks’ notice of any increase to your subscription rate. We review our subscription rates annually and any increase reflects the average pay rise across the civil service.

Will my union membership lapse for non-payment if a direct debit deduction hasn’t started?

If you supply us with a direct debit mandate which you cancel without notifying us, we will consider your membership to have lapsed and we will apply our usual 3 month lapsing process to remind you to rejoin the union.
If your bank returns a mandate unpaid then we will contact you to discuss an alternative payment for that month.

Will I have to inform PCS if my salary increases or decreases?

With the 0.6% subscription rate and banding system that PCS operates, which are both governed by PCS Rules, members will need to notify us of any salary changes. We will ensure that members pay the subscriptions rate most appropriate to their salary. You will need to notify us if you are promoted, if your hours change, if you switch to part time hours (or to full time hours) or any other changes that may affect your pay. 

Banking Queries

What do I do if I do not have a current account or an account that I can set direct debits up from?

All civil servants are required to have their salaries paid into a bank account. If in the rare instance your account does not permit direct debits, you should call our membership team to discuss alternative payment methods. Call the membership department free on 0800 317 464.

When will I see the first deduction from my account?

If you are a new joiner, or are rejoining PCS, your first payment will be deducted from your account on the next appropriate ‘run’ and will depend on your method of joining and the date we receive your instructions. We make direct debit deductions on the 1st of every month.
If you are a current member and pay by check off now, you will continue to pay by check-off until your employer ceases the process. We will then enact your mandate to commence the following month on the 1st.
For example, if your employer stops check off at the end of June 2014, you will pay by check off until your June salary. We will begin collecting your subs by direct debit from 1 August.

Am I able to set the date for my direct debit?

All members in PCS who are paid monthly are paid at the end of the month, usually on the last working day. Direct debit mandates are set for the 1st of the month to allow all members to have their salaries paid and cleared. We do not allow other alternative dates.

I have already supplied my bank details to the PCS Credit Union, why do you need them again?

The PCS Credit Union is a separate entity from the PCS Union. It is governed by a special set of rules and legislation. We will not be able to access any bank details for the purposes of collecting members’ subs.

Data Security and Usage Queries

Will the data that I provide to PCS be secure?

Yes. All the information that we hold is held on secure systems which are compliant with data security procedures and legislation.
By using iMembership to provide your details members will be asked to log in to the PCS website first and then securely provide banks details.

If members supply details on hardcopy switchover forms or over the telephone they will only be dealing with Membership staff who will keep their data secure in locked cabinets or on the Membership system directly.

Will you supply my bank details to third parties?

Never. PCS will never supply your bank details to anyone outside of the organisation.

Are PCS’ IT security certificates up to date?

In order to comply with banking regulations, and as part of our Direct Debit guarantee, in agreement with our bank, all security certificates have to be up to date and are renewed regularly.

Who will have access to my bank details within the union?

Once your mandate is logged, only our finance staff, who reconcile our accounts, and our membership team, who maintain your data on your behalf, will have access to your details. Staff outside these teams are prevented from accessing this information. In any event, information would only be accessed with good reason, including responding to requests from individual members about their own individual details. 

Will my representatives have access to my subscription information?

Your local PCS rep and branch secretary will be notified that you have provided a mandate so that they no longer request that you set one up. However, we will not provide them with any detail other than it has been completed and held on file.

Should you cancel your direct debit without notifying us in the first instance, current lapsing procedures mean that we will notify your union reps that you have ceased making payments, and they may discuss with you your reasons for stopping them. However, we will never provide your reps with your banking details.

Keeping Updated

Do I need to notify you if I change/leave my employer?

Yes. Should you change department, agency or work for another employer that you are currently working for you will need to notify us when you leave. You can do this by emailing details of your new employer and workplace to membership@pcs.org.uk or by calling 0800 317 464.

If your new employer is not in the civil service or associated bodies, you may no longer qualify for PCS membership. In this situation we will recommend an alternative union for you to join, or ask you to join our associated members section.

How do I amend my bank details for subscription deductions?

Should you switch bank accounts you need not do anything if you use the new banking ‘switch’ process. Your new bank we write to us notifying us of new account details.

If however, you change accounts or use an account where you do not use the banking switch process then you will need to call us on 0800 317464 with your new details.


If you are reading this and you are not a union member you are invited to join PCS. Together we are stronger. www.pcs.org.uk/join






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