Saturday, 3 May 2014

Report of PCS meeting with Steria/SSCL

30 April 2014
To all PCS members in SSCL

Report of PCS meeting with Steria/SSCL 24th April

PCS are continuing to campaign against the privatisation of shared services, job cuts, site closures and off shoring. The union is also pressing SSCL to get the best arrangements possible for staff in terms of Voluntary Exits, Voluntary Redundancy and redeployment.

Union Meetings
Another round of meetings will be held with PCS members in the next couple of weeks. Please attend the meeting at your office.

Voluntary Exits
When we met them on 24 April SSCL told PCS that the latest position on Voluntary Exits was –

Expressions Going Current predicted
of Interest to quote headcount post exit

Blackpool 79 62 224 162

Cardiff 85 85 105 20

Newcastle 72 35 208 173

Sheffield 195 195 239 44

Leeds 3 3 7 4

Alnwick 17 12 36 24

York 56 51 152 101

MyCSP are currently processing exit quotes which should start to arrive with staff by the middle of this week. Quotes are being assessed in batches. Staff will then have two weeks to accept/reject their quote. If staff believe that there is a financial miscalculation, the clock will stop whilst they challenge the quote.

The majority of leaving dates will be between end of July and end of October. Some may be earlier or later by mutual consent.

SSCL/Steria is still seeking advice about the rights of staff leaving on VES/VR schemes to state benefits.

Voluntary Redundancy
SSCL told PCS that there had been 136 expressions of interest for VR as of 23rd April 2014. The closing dates are –

  • Closing sites 30th April 2014.
  • Centres of Excellence 14th May 2014.
  • Alnwick separate review

In response to strong concerns from members about being rushed to accept redundancy, which were expressed by PCS to SSCL, they agreed to consider extending the closing dates. We will update members on this once we know more.

Ten AO’s at Sheffield have been offered posts to move back into the DWP in the Dearne Valley Debt Centre.

The Crown Prosecution Service, Prison Service, MOD and Home Office have now signed up to the redeployment/re-appointment protocols. PCS want all government departments to sign up to the protocols to give you the most chances of redeployment and a job in future.

The Prison Service has four AO vacancies available in Cardiff Prison. A site meeting is being set up to advise staff.

The Crown Prosecution Service has one EO vacancy at York.

The Ministry of Justice currently have fourteen permanent AO posts available in Newport and the Cabinet Office is pushing for them to be open to SSCL staff. PCS members should be very cautious about applying for these jobs because MOJ are next in line for privatisation and it could be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

SSCL have agreed to consult PCS about the transformation programme.

Transition of Opthalmic Payments to Alnwick is moving on a phased basis from June 2014. Work is to be absorbed without any increase in current headcount. VES outcomes for staff at Alnwick will be placed on hold pending the National Primary Care Services bid outcome being resolved in May 2014. As soon as we know more we will update members in Alnwick.

Threat to AA job roles
SSCL agreed to consult PCS about the future business model which strips out AA jobs. The union will be seeking to protect AA’s.

Pay 2014
The SSCL chief executive agreed to negotiate with PCS about your 2014 pay increase.

The next meeting between PCS and SSCL will be on 1 May

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