Monday, 21 October 2013

Messages of Support Shared Services stike to protect Jobs

A message of solidarity in your struggle from Rotherham Trades Council


Mick Stowe

Dear Martin,
I am writing on behalf of the PCS DWP Bradford Branch to offer our support 
in your strike against privatisation on Friday.
It is incredible that in this day and age, after the experience of so many
disastrous privatisations, not least the greed of energy companies,that government
persists with this failed policy. Once again they put private profit ahead of people.
We have no doubt at all that the service our members receive will suffer,
and it is an outrage that our confidential records will be handed over to
a private company and then exported abroad if they get their way.
Good luck with the campaign, and every success with the strike on Friday.
Yours in Solidarity,
Rob Williams
Branch Secretary
PCS DWP Bradford Branch


All Officers, Staff and Activists from Unite would like to offer their full support for your dispute on Friday.

Kind regards,


Karen Reay

Regional Secretary

Unite the Union

55 Call Lane




Just to say PCS DWP Sheffield Branch supports your branch, the campaign and the action on Friday.

Tom Bishell
Branch Secretary PCS DWP Sheffield
Cavendish Court Local Rep and Health + Safety Rep


Dear Martin,

Best wishes from members and representatives in DWP East Sussex Branch for your action on Friday against privatisation

It is a scandal that the government seeks to privatise your jobs to assist impose worse conditions, attack jobs and services and reward greedy and security dubious companies with sensitive information and records

Solidarity to all your members from us and victory for PCS and common sense

Yours fraternally

Nigel Sheahan                             Gerry Hyde
Branch Secretary                         Branch Chair

Hi Martin,

Please pass on a message of solidarity to all the Sheffield pickets from myself. The fight against the privatisation of Shared Services is essential not just to the members involved, but the future of all PCS members and the security of their personal data as it faces off-shoring, so this is a fight that we must, and can win if all members stand together.

I will be at the picket line outside the DEFRA office in Alnwick.

I'm now living up near Sunderland so grateful if you could take me off this mailing list as all my activity is up in this area now.

Solidarity as always.


Hi Martin,
Best wishes to you and your branch for tomorrow.
Mike Degnan,
Branch Secretary,
PCS DWP Hull & East Riding Branch.

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