Sunday, 8 September 2013

Latest NewsPCS Victory against union busting and updates around the branch and nationally

Dear Comrades

Always good to score a victory against the enemy but we must still be aware this is a government that has no respect for the law unless it favoured them so its important we don't take our eye off the ball.  However for now I'm enjoying this one.  We estimate the cost to the tax payer that this that this caused by this buffoon would pay for check off for the next 300 years please see press statement from The general Secretary

General Secretary Press statement


Shared Services

Member's meetings are planned in Kings court very soon will confirm as soon as its organized. 
The government is proposing to privatise Shared Services across the civil service and for arms length bodies.

Shared services include services, such as payroll. This means that as a civil servant, your personal details will be in the hands of the highest bidder and subject to the need for private profit rather than public service.

This situation is made worse by the fact that the Cabinet Office has refused to rule out the possibility that the work will be off-shored.

As part of the campaign to stop the privatisation, please go to the link here and email to your MP urging them to contact Francis Maude MP, Cabinet Office Minister, and challenge his plans.
Dont forget to fire this Model letter off to your MP about Shared Services click on Speak Out
On a final note I support strike action over our Shared Services if you agree our jobs are worth fighting for?  speak out at the members meeting let the NEC Know.  
The Gagging Bill

Most should be aware of this but for anyone not this is an attempt by the government to gag unions the left and general opposition to the government within one year of a General election.  A clear attack on freedom of speech and would set a very dangerous president please support our campaign to oppose this by signing our Model Letter HERE
Zero Hour contracts

Another victory was clocked up this week by workers at Hovis who took strike action against ZERO hours the Lads and Lasses are not done yet further strike action is planned to end agency employment and for those worker to be employer by the company itself.  Which as we know agency workers are one of the most exploited workforces in the UK


Well we see this usual pattern every time the government is in trouble let’s start a war based on very thin evidence and in some cases made up evidence.  Due to activist hard campaigning we were able to apply pressure on the Labour party to vote against it and some other MP,s.  I’m sure they will try it on against as Cameron and his gang of war mongers are clearly itching to have a war with someone.  Interesting to see the decline of the BBC of what once was a highly respect organisation to become little more that UK version of Fox News.  In fact they should re name it Conservative Party Broadcasting Corporation.

Fake picture published by the BBC

The photograph was actually taken by Marco di Lauro in Iraq in 2003



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