Saturday, 1 June 2013

Report from defend Multicultural Day Sheffield

I arrived in barkers pool at about 12.30 bumped into a few PCS and party comrades earlier about 8 fascists had been chased away.  We then notice more police lining up and it became clear they where going  to try and allow passaged for the Nazis.

In front of us by this time were up to a hundred at most fascists our anti fascist ranks numbered up to 700.  For quite a while with the police between both groups there was a stand off.  The sun was beating down and it was getting very hot and I forgot my hat I could feel my head burning.   The police then started to move against us with 6 mounted officers and a number of lined ranks of police they tried to force a passage through.

All surrounded the memorial and linked arms forcing the police and EDL back 3 times they tried this and three times we pushed them back.  After this which went on for several hours the police decided to clear the EDL off at this point the Fascists started scuffling with the police.  At one point we were so close to them you could smell the stale beer fumes on there breaths

Today was a good day they did not pass No pasarán.  The family of that poor man murdered by those two nut cases specifically requested the EDL and all Far right groups do not exploit this awful crime against there son.  The EDL ignored this and chose to use this for a cheap publicity stunt.  The irony of it all of course the memorial was also a memorial to soldiers who fought and died fighting fascists.

We have no issue or problem if individuals wish to pay tribute to the fallen but we do have an issue with fascists and Nazis who disrespect the wishes of Lee,s Family and disrespect the sacrifices of our grandparent and great grandparents.

Anti Fascists in Barkers Pool confront the EDL

Fighting fascists Sheffield style 1934, Barkers pool. 15,000 Sheffielders against the Nazi Oswald Mosley and his black shirts!!! 
After failing to break through the Fascists start to scuffle with the police
Forcing the Police and EDL Back Barkers Pool Sheffield

Blast From the Past 


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