Friday, 21 December 2012

Vote Yes and Yes again for Strike action

      Why you should vote yes in the DWP Strike Ballot

As you should have received your strike ballot over the announcement of compulsory redundancies in the DWP its worth looking here at the issues.  In the DWP it’s always been the case in the past that there have not been compulsory redundancies but with this fanatical anti public service government it’s clear they intend to try and set a new precedent. 

So what’s the likely outcome if we do nothing? It’s very clear this is testing the water for much larger numbers of compulsory redundancies later. So its important people understand we need to stop this now otherwise in the not too distant future a redundancy notice could be coming your way soon.

Like the Pensions dispute which we in PCS are still fighting two other union leaders caved after just one day who shall remain nameless, this gave the government the confidence to come after us all, your reps for example are facing massive cuts in facility time and there are increasing reports of harassment of reps in other areas, and of course not to forget the attack on terms and conditions.

It’s important we need to draw a line in the sand while we can delay and hold off some attacks there is no guarantee under a labour government that these will be reversed given they support many aspects austerity as well, and look at how they failed to reverse the anti union laws and the housing issue they ignored for 13 years not to mention all the other issues.  That’s why it’s important to fight back now and send a clear message to any new incoming government.

We would further put the case it’s no good calling action off just because the government want to pretend to negotiate; action should and must continue even if they request to talk only when a serious proposal is on the table not a token gesture should we suspend action.

In fact the latest news on Ministers is it appears they actually are refusing to talk to us on the Independent Living fund minister Ms Mcvey commented.

I firmly believe that it is incumbent upon each and every once of us, individually and as a society to do all we can to increase disabled people’s dependence,

Then she went on to announce the scrapping of the Independent living fund she then informed PCS she is too busy to meet us even though we represent 80,000 staff in her department, Similar to this was Mark Hoban diary coincidently full, He told our industrial officer Miranda Harr he is unable to meet up to discuss key issues such as the new sanctions regime, concerns over privatisation, resources digitalisation and its impact on our members.

This of course is on top of transport minister’s refusal to meet us to receive a 72,000 named petition.  All these examples just add to the case for strong radical resistance to these attacks.

Latest Announcement

Running alongside the compulsory redundancy issue is the latest attack on your rights, by cutting the notice period for redundancies halved to 45 days. Mark Serwotka the General Secretary commented

While handling tax breaks to millionaires this Tory led government has announced policy after policy designed to make it easier and quicker the throw ordinary people out of work, and then ministers seek to blame them for being unemployed,

“Given almost everyone can now see that austerity isn’t working, instead of these policies of despair and division we need investment in our economy and our public services to create jobs and opportunities to help our communities.

The Truth behind the government’s ideological rhetoric is that undermining peoples basic employment rights will not create a single job and will do nothing to improve our economy.

Just to note on employment rights and general Human rights the government is currently trying to pass an act of parliament called Rights for Shares basically it’s a bribe another way of eroding our rights by dangling a carrot in front of people to sign away their rights for small shares in company’s which are not guaranteed anyway given the unstable stock market.   

If we care about the future their can only be one vote yes to strike action and yes to action short off strike action. 

PCS DWP Head Office Sheffield Branch
20th November 2012 Home briefing      

End of year message from Mark & Janice 

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