For Anyone reading this apologies for the language but I feel accuracy is important
What we saw in Rotherham on the 13th October was a window into what fascism is really about. They cynically used the sex grooming of children as a smoke screen. They offer nothing to protect children other than the idiotic claim that sex grooming is a issue for one race or religion and at no point really addressing the crime itself and how to deal with it and protect children. In fact the majority of know sex offenders are actually white male and over 30. Exploitation of both woman and children is about power and the ability to abuse that power. As large numbers of fascists have criminal records for domestic abuse many seem to have forgot this, in this opportunistic justification of violence, racism, and Homophobia, LetS be clear they came to Rotherham with one intent to spread fear and Hate.
I got into Rothrham after a lift from a NUT friend at about 10:45am already the Nazis could be seen outside the County Borough, Angel, and Effingham pubs pissed and aggressive even at this time remember there march was not due to start until 1.00pm. Already you could hear it shouts of Paki bastard, Gay pedo lovers lefty pedo defenders coming out of there vile drunken mouths. Several woman were harassed by sexist Jibes. The atmosphere was charge with hate and violence. One thing that struck me was the sheer number of police figures later confirmed 800 on duty not seen that since the miners strike.
After getting past them I joined our own people from Trade unions UAF and local community groups in All Saints Square. Normally my son joins me on Marches and has even been on the picket lines with me when on strike but I choose not to take him today for good reason.I was on steward duty today and several times we had to fend of attempts by EDL to get into our protest. I was called Paki lover Nigger lover Trade union scum, commie scum, in fact you name it i had it thrown at me just to highlight the intellectual giants we were up against one said you just called him comrade told you there all union and lefty bastards so i challenged him and asked a simple question what does Comrade mean after thinking for a bit he shouted and stormed off. Anther incident I had to physically see off one who was pushing a young girl around.
There was at one point a young man roaming around our protest one or two pointed him out as he looked a bit suspicious. I approached him and asked who he was he explained he was homeless and came to show support for us as the only people who has taken him in were the local Asian community then I noticed his hands they were frost bitten due to many nights out in the winter months, I gave him a cigarette and water filled his eye's he told me he is not used to being spoken to like a human being as he is usually Mr invisible. The protest we had was generally good humoured despite the threats surrounding us and we saw them off in the town square two pubs were smashed up by EDL for refusing to serve them one homeless guy was urinated on by them as they passed by and several Asian youths were assaulted by them. I Left Rotherham at about 4:00pm.
In Reflection
Ok what did the Nazis bring to Rotherham? A huge Police Bill, Local buisness already struggling due to government policy losing business for the day having to close, Two smashed pubs, several people assaulted,
Has a single crime be resolved NO
Has a single Hospital been built or saved NO
Has a single School be save or built No
Has a single Council House been built No
Has a single meaningful job been created No
Has it prevented the victimisation of the Dissabled No
Has it made Rotherham a safer place Not
Has it spread hate YES.
It was of course Irony that several drunks out of the local pubs joined in with them and they are affected by some of the issues listed above talk about acting against your own interests but ignorance it a key tool they use. Its up to us to try and educated when they care to listen. to sum up in a simple sentence in Rotherham on the 13th we saw the very best of people and the very worst of people.
Locals in Unity Demo
Rotherham Sends EDL Packing
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