Sunday, 9 September 2012

We are not Amused

As we see from this re shuffle of the cabinet all we have is a bunch of upper class gangsters shuffled around to produce guess what a bunch of upper class gangsters.  So let’s see how this shower has demonstrated how they feel about the nations pain.  What the view of the newly appointed Tory party chair on the recession mmm what a caring guy Grant Shapps under the pseudonym of Michael Green instead

Tory Party Chairman Calls Recession ‘Amusement Ride’

 Well that's it we should all just look on the destruction of our economy by these play boys as a trip to Alton Towers.  So do you all feel amused?  Think Left

Of course we in DWP are still stuck with bully boy IDS who is about as clued up and bright as a local village idiot on a bad day.
Ok the most controversial one is of course Jeremy Hunt as the new  Health Secretary has wasted no time at all in selling off NHS services in his Surrey constituency to Branson's Virgin Care, raising fresh concerns last night over his appointment.  Well Lucky for him his first name is not Mike.  Here is an idea yes one of those things that are a matter of honour and principle they simple don’t have the right to sell off what’s its not theirs to sell, nor do they have a mandate to do it, this should be treated as a criminal act and the profits the likes of Virgin make should be seized Are you listening Labour Party?????? 

So when the Tory's Hark on and on about being the party of law and order remember there is a growing list of Fraud, theft, fiddling, bullying, and deaths this contemptible bunch are responsible for. One member said to me "it's like having the nation run by the Kray Twins"

PCS will be calling for further strikes after October 20th play your part in protecting ours and the future of our children and grandchildren.

I would urge we need to go even further coordinate the strike with the anti cuts groups like UKUncut and right to work and push the TUC for a general strike and European wide General Strike.  We should look also to building stronger organisation at grass roots level encouraging the rank and file to get more involved and in time perhaps challenge the anti union laws themselves.   

Fraternally yours     

Martin Hickman

Branch Secretary  

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