Every little labour without pay
Helps Tesco profits grow
When the wages are zero
Every little bit of free labour
Means they can get bigger and BIGGER
Every little bit means they get richer
Whilst the poorest people just get poorer
Every little bit helps Tesco grow
Until they’re everywhere you go
Tesco extra and Tesco metro
Tesco gaming and Tesco petrol
Tesco optician and Tesco phone
Tesco bank and Tesco at home
Tesco direct and Tesco online
Tesco clothing and Tesco wine
Tesco finance and Tesco optician
Tesco sports and Tesco television
Tesco can even create a place for you to defecate in harmony and contemplation
If you sign up for the Tesco Finest Bathroom design consultation
I step out to the left and every little corner shop’s gone
And in its place is another Tesco Metro Tesco. con
I step out to the right and the post office is no longer there
But Tesco is -offering cheap mobile phones and half price beer
Tesco value range – value for who
Certainly not for me or you
Value for Tesco means engaging in slave labour
They’re snatching your friend and they’re snatching your neighbour
Work for free and they won’t promise you a job
The name of their game is to make a few bob
They’re open all night
And they’re doing all right
Making billions of pounds of profit each year
Thanks to their friends in government and to workfare
One thousand four hundred people worked without pay
Whilst only three hundred got to stay
This is enslavement of the unemployed
But they can’t understand why we’re annoyed
Every little Tesco Work Fare
Should be replaced with Work that’s Fair
With a living wage for every employee
Not a scheme of exploitation and slavery
Every little help that Tesco helps itself to for free
Is a crime against freedom and humanity
Every little Tesco metro
Needs to go
Until people not profit are put first
As the Tesco bubble’s about to burst
Tesco Slavery by Zita Holbourne
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